Library Media & Instructional Technology

Katie DeLoureiro
Instructional Technology Teacher
Phone: (860) 258-7771Donna Spada
Circulation / OverDue Notices
In addition to a dedicated Instructional Technology class that students will be participating in during their specials rotations, they will also have book exchange.
Students are allowed to check-out up to 2 books during Book Exchange, and are issued a friendly verbal reminder if either book is forgotten upon return. If one book returns to school and the other is left home, students will still be able to take out one book during Book Exchange. Loan periods for Book Exchange books are currently 4 weeks. A bill will be issued to students after a book has not returned to Book Exchange after approximately one month.
Cora J. Belden Library - Online Resources and E-Books
Get a library card from Cora J. Belden Library - Application Form
Use of District Devices at Home
**Important Technology Information**
This is a reminder that any time a student signs into their Rocky Hill school account using their district issued email address, our filtering software, GoGuardian, begins monitoring computer use. Thus, if students are logging in at home on a personal device, it is imperative that when they are finished, they log out of their account. Please make sure that students have logged out. If they do not log out of their account, the monitoring and filtering will continue on personal devices and Rocky Hill Public Schools does not want to be monitoring personal devices. If you have any questions, please reach out to Danielle Galligan, District Instructional Technology Facilitator, or Chris Guay, our Technology Director.
Common Sense Media's Family Engagement Resources
- Grade 4 - Privacy & Security Family Activity
- 4th Grado Actividad - Privacidad y seguridad
- Grade 5 - Privacy & Security Family Activity
- Ayudemos a fortalecer la privacidad y seguridad de los niños
- Grades K-5 Family Tips
- Family Engagement Toolkit
- Help Boost Kids' Safety, Privacy, and Security
- Ayudemos a fortalecer la privacidad y seguridad de los niños
- Help Boost Kids' Safety, Privacy, and Security (Additional Languages)
- Help Kids Spot Fake News and Decode Media Messages
- Ayudemos a los niños a identificar noticias falsas y decodificar los mensajes de los medios
- Help Kids Spot Fake News and Decode Media Messages (Additional Languages)
- Grades 3-5 News & Media Literacy - Family Activity
- Educación sobre los medios de comunicación y las noticias
- Grades 3-4 Digital Footprint & Identity Activity
- 3–4 GRADOS Huella e identidad digital
- Grades K–5 Help Kids Post, Comment, and Upload Responsibly Tips
- Ayudemos a los niños a publicar, comentar y subir contenido con responsabilidad Tips para familias
- Digital Footprint Family Tips (Additional Languages)